So Much to Catch Up On..Grab a Protein Shake.


Alright seriously. Where do I even start?

Once Upon A time, on a February day in 2017, The Pretty Princess with a High Body Fat Percentage Met a dashing Prince.  His name was Brian.  He was Blonde, Blue-Eyed and probably talked more than she.  There was something about this Prince that was different.  He just seemed to GET that Pretty Princess.

Prince Brian reached for the Pretty Princess and said, “Come with Me if you want to live..diabetic Free”.  So the Pretty Princess with the High Body Fat Percentage did.  She did squats, deadlifts and skull crushers with Prince Brian and so began the not-so-fairytale known as…


I’ve come to the conclusion, that trainers are like shoes..or boyfriends…not all of them them fit YOU.  It’s not just about skill set, it’s about schedule, personalities and camaraderie.  Brian is just that for me.  He’s super psyched about fitness, lifting and since he’s full time, he’s always got a spot for me.  I’ve started to use the Bodyspace App as well ( with the Kris Gethin’ 12 Week Program for my days without B-Man (as I affectionately call him)

This round of fitness has not only been productive by way of successful weigh-in’s, but more so about educating me on my body and how it really works, responds and grows.

I’m not looking for the scale to decrease.  I’m looking for my strength to increase, my Body Fat Percentage to Decrease and with that I know that the weight will follow suit.  It’s been a very different approach and so far, it’s been amazing.

Top PR’s Thus Far:

  • Hamstring Curl 200lbs (full sets)
  • Lat Pulldown  100lbs (full sets)
  • Reverse Grip Seated Pulldown 100lbs (full sets)
  • Quad/Leg Extension 125lbs (full sets)
  • Skull Crushers 45lbs (full sets)
  • Tri Pulldown (rope)  45lbs (full sets)
  • Bicep Curl (cable) 105 lbs (3 reps)

Babs’ Top 5 Fitness Observations this week:

  1.  Quiet Gyms are creepy.
    When the gym has ZERO overhead music, it’s creepy AF.  I’m all gruntin’ like an old man in the john after Thanksgiving Dinner, and that shit is echoing. Stop the damned Silence.  Let a Girl Grunt in peace and loud shitty Top 40 Music PLEASE.
  2. No Photos in the Locker Room.  
    Let’s be real.  We’re going to take our pics there.  That’s where we feel the pump. That’s where we feel the most fantastic.  And trust me. The last thing I need is anyone else’s cellulite in my pic.  If you see me takin’ a pic..don’t worry.  You’re NOT in it.
  3. No Child Left Behind….at the gym.
    Seriously.  I had a first hand experience where “trainers”…I will use this term was wearing bedroom slipper for cripes sake….you know what..screw that…They are Officially FRAINERS..FAKE TRAINERS.  They are there with all these young kids IN the weights and they say..ok go.  wait what?This is where small mushroom clouds poof out my ears.

    These kids are told to do all these exercises…and THEY ARE DOING THEM WRONG.  Such bad form it’s making MY back hurt!  I bite my lip, til it bleeds, and pump out an extra set of angry skull crushers.  STOP the Insanity! Teach them the correct way from the beginning.

  4. I smell.
    Yup. I Smell.  And look disastrous.  And. I. LOVE. IT.  When I see pretty pretties on the elliptical texting their BFFs about the hot guy over there lifting the weight thingy’s…I want to walk over Slap the Phone outta their hands and scream..GET YOUR ASS TO WORK!But we all know this would just mean running mascara for them and a lawsuit for me.
  5. Nothing Tastes as Good As…
    ANYTHING after a big workout.  You could give me a SHOE and I’d EAT it after a big lift day.  I get why when you’re hoping for muscle gains, you’re eating enough to feed an entire hockey team.  BUT…it’s clean..because why would would I eat crap after a killer workout.  That would be like putting ketchup on a decadent chocolate cake.  Don’t do that. If you do, feel much shame.
  6. BONUS
    KT Tape is your Friend. Seriously.